External Application tokens can be issued by the API implementer to access application level resources, i.e. Products, which are not User scoped. These Application Tokens are the equivalent of using the API Key when using the Internal authentication method. To use External tokens to access User scoped resources, issue a User Token.

For information on how to use an Application Token, please see Using Tokens.


An Application Token is made up of the following required fields.

NameDescriptionData TypeInformationExample
issIssuerStringThe agreed identifier of the system issuing the tokenapplication.example.com
audAudienceStringThe target MILK API environmentapi.milkbooks.com
expExpiryUNIX TimestampThe time that this token should expire1374112588


An application token might look like this (without base64 encoding)


And with base64 encoding and signature (signed with "secret"), this token would become:
