Projects are a user created item that will be have a print order placed. A Project is only visible to the user who created it (enforced by the session).




Returns a list of all existing projects for the currently logged in user

/projectPOSTCreates a new project
/project/{Guid}PUTUpdates an existing project
/project/{Guid}GETRetrieves the details of an existing project
/project/{Guid}DELETEDeletes an existing project


The following attributes are for creating or updating a project.

FieldData TypeRequiredInformation
NameStringYUsed for the user to identify the project
ProductIdIntegerYProduct type of the project

The following details are returned about a project

FieldData TypeRequiredInformation
GuidGuidYUsed to uniquely identify a project
NameStringYUsed for the user to identify the project
ProductIdIntegerYProduct type of the project
CreatedDateUtcDateTimeYThe date time the project was created, in UTC
LastSavedDateUtcDateTimeYThe date time the project was last saved, in UTC