Basket Lines represent an item in the Basket. A line is how the User adds a Project into the Basket so it can be ordered.




Creates a new line for the basket identified by the Guid

/basket/{Guid}/line/{Id}PUTUpdates the line
/basket/{Guid}/line/{Id}DELETERemoves the line from the basket


The following attributes are for creating or updating a basket line.

FieldData TypeRequiredInformation
ProjectGuidGuidYThe Guid of the Project to be ordered
QuantityIntegerYQuantity of the Project to be ordered
AddOnsArray of BasketLineAddOnNList of add ons to be added to the line

The following attributes are requires for Add Ons when modifying a basket line.

FieldData TypeRequiredInformation
AddOnIdIntegerYId of the add on in the Product  definition
QuantityIntegerYQuantity of the add on to add to the line

When modifying a basket line, the response includes both the updated line, and the updated entire basket.

FieldData TypeRequiredInformation
LineBasket Line DetailsN

Fields described below.

Can be left undefined, for example when deleting a line.

BasketBasketYThe updated entire Basket.

The following details are returned about a basket line.

FieldData TypeRequiredInformation
IdIntegerYUsed to uniquely identify a basket line
ProjectGuidStringYThe Guid of the Project to be ordered
QuantityIntegerYQuantity of the Project to be ordered
TotalDecimalYThe total cost of the basket line
AddOnsList Of BasketLineAddOnDetailsNThe list of add ons configured on the line

The following details are returned about a basket lines add on.

FieldData TypeRequiredInformation
AddOnIdIntegerYId of the add on in the Product definition
QuantityIntegerYQuantity of the add on to be ordered
QuantityTypeQuantity TypeYDescribes how the quantity of the add on relates to the quantity of the line
QuantityTotalIntegerYThe total number of add ons for the line (based on the base line quantity and the quantity type)
TotalDecimalYThe total cost of this add on for this basket line